Makshakov, Artem
Senior Research Scientist, Ph.D. in Geological Science
Институт геохимии СО РАН
Russia, 664033, Irkutsk, ул. Фаворского, 1а
Phone: (3952) 42-65-00
Reports list
- Kravtsova R.*, Makshakov A.*
Mineralogical and geochemical features of magmatic rocks of the Omsukchan trough and their relationship with gold-silver and silver mineralization (North-East of Russia)
*Институт геохимии СО РАН (Irkutsk), Russia
- Kravtsova R.*, Makshakov A.*, Куликова З.И.**, Павлова Л.А.*
Petro-geochemical features of ores of the Natalkinskoe gold-quartz deposit (North-East of Russia)
*Институт геохимии СО РАН (Irkutsk), Russia
**A.P.Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry of SB RAS (Irkutsk), Russia
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