Akulov, Nikolay Ivanovich
Leading research officer, D.Sc. in Geological Science
Institute of the Earths Crust of SB RAS
Russia, 664033, Irkutsk, 128, Lermontov Str.
Phone: +7(395-2) 42-70-00,
Fax: +7(395-2) 42-69-00
Reports list
- Shtel'makh S.I.*, Ukhova N.N.*, Akulov N.I.*, Akulova V.V.*
Carbonate rocks of the Biliutinskiy deposit
*Institute of the Earths Crust of SB RAS (Irkutsk), Russia
- Shtel'makh S.I.*, Ukhova N.N.*, Akulov N.I.*, Akulova V.V.*
Карбонатные породы Билютинского месторождения
*Institute of the Earths Crust of SB RAS (Irkutsk), Russia
To participants list